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Waterfront Cebu City Hotel & Casino
Waterfront Airport Hotel & Casino
Waterfront Insular Hotel Davao

Phone: 1800-10-9376688
Fax: +632 505-3099

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Guest Feedback

Reach us at these details:

Phone: +6332 232-6888

Waterfront Cebu City Hotel and Casino
Salinas Drive, Lahug Cebu City, 6000

For Reservations:

Phone: 1800-10-9376688

Waterfront Central Reservations Office
Salinas Drive, Lahug Cebu City, 6000

Waterfront Hotels & Casinos Corporate Office/

Manila Sales Office:

Phone: (632) 8559 0129

Waterfront Hotels & Casinos Corporate Office
United Nations Avenue cor. Ma Orosa St.,
Manila 1000, Philippines

Online Booking Concerns:

Phone: 1800-10-9376688

Waterfront Central Reservations Office
Salinas Drive, Lahug Cebu City, 6000
