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Waterfront Cebu City Hotel & Casino
Waterfront Airport Hotel & Casino
Waterfront Insular Hotel Davao

Phone: 1800-10-9376688
Fax: +632 505-3099

Beef Pares 

Savor the classic flavors of Café Fortuna’s Beef Pares, a treasured Filipino specialty originating from Quezon City. This dish features tender beef in a savory-sweet sauce, paired with steamed rice, delivering an authentic taste of Filipino comfort food. 

Availability: Daily, September 1-30, 2024

Outlet: Room Service

Operating Hours: 24 Hours

Price list: Beef Pares – Php 388 nett

  1. Promo can be combined with other promos, tie-up offers (Credit cards, associations) or membership privileges (Indulgence Plus), (Gourmet/Elite Card).  
  2. This is a regular/undiscounted price. 

For inquiries, call us at (032) 232-6888.
